I posted the above here because I cannot post images to a new topic.
Seems an okay thread to do this, although there's not much color -- cloudscape after a storm.
good morning everyone,.
if anyone remembers, sunrises, and sunsets are my time with god.
i wish i had a scanner (that worked) to show you the most unique sunrise i have seen in my life.
I posted the above here because I cannot post images to a new topic.
Seems an okay thread to do this, although there's not much color -- cloudscape after a storm.
good morning everyone,.
if anyone remembers, sunrises, and sunsets are my time with god.
i wish i had a scanner (that worked) to show you the most unique sunrise i have seen in my life.
look what an ex-bethelite has to say about the spirit channeling he saw first hand up at wallkill:.
now i believe rayven's story of horror at brooklyn bethel:.
Great read Coco. I often wondered when studying this how it happened. It had to be a whisper. Even at Gilead, all the GB insisted that their revelations come from studying the bible under the influence... (of holy spirit) and not because of a special communication. I find it interesting that the Revelation book frames it as a one sided transaction, as if they go down to Bethel every Wednesday and ruffle the drapes in the GB board room.....
In our Gilead class, we (half) jokingly wondered if it was Russell who was one of the "elders" used to communicate to the GB, considering that none of his original teachings have been retained. One of my class joked that is nickname might be "1914", since that was the only thing that's still around..... -- AllTimeJeff
look what an ex-bethelite has to say about the spirit channeling he saw first hand up at wallkill:.
now i believe rayven's story of horror at brooklyn bethel:.
11 What, then, can we deduce from the fact that one of the 24 elders identifies the great crowd to John? It seems that resurrected ones of the 24-elders group may be involved in the communicating of divine truths today. Why is that important?
Wait a minute - "it seems that resurrected ones...may be involved in the communicating of divine truths"?
So, you've got GB members receiving messages from the spirit realm, and "it seems" to be their best guess that it's really a message from "Booze" Rutherford or Freddy Franz? -- sir82
no more words were exchanged between mother and daughter, nor would there ever be again.
theresa, out of long unspoken necessity but presently for the purpose of survival, has put on a new and bold garment: wordless defiance, this in the face of the sudden erosion of renata gettleman's supreme confidence and now dissipating assurance that the world was ever in her control, her tight grasp.
that grasp is loosening, and she has no say in the matter.
makes me crazy:.
there: go over there!.
their: they own it; belonging to etc.. for the love of pete - use them correctly!.
Mispelled words -- yes, Alfred!
makes me crazy:.
there: go over there!.
their: they own it; belonging to etc.. for the love of pete - use them correctly!.
makes me crazy:.
there: go over there!.
their: they own it; belonging to etc.. for the love of pete - use them correctly!.
A guy in the U.K has an excellent radio Show, Shaun Keevney on Six Music, he had a slot on there he called "Pendants Corner" to discuss stuff like this. -- Phizzy
no more words were exchanged between mother and daughter, nor would there ever be again.
theresa, out of long unspoken necessity but presently for the purpose of survival, has put on a new and bold garment: wordless defiance, this in the face of the sudden erosion of renata gettleman's supreme confidence and now dissipating assurance that the world was ever in her control, her tight grasp.
that grasp is loosening, and she has no say in the matter.
No more words were exchanged between mother and daughter, nor would there ever be again. Theresa, out of long unspoken necessity but presently for the purpose of survival, has put on a new and bold garment: wordless defiance, this in the face of the sudden erosion of Renata Gettleman's supreme confidence and now dissipating assurance that the world was ever in her control, her tight grasp. That grasp is loosening, and she has no say in the matter. She has lost her prized possession, her child. A perverse love, but love nonetheless.
The one person over whom Mother had absolute and unchallenged dominion was Daughter. Despite a brittle outward show of motherly affection and concern for her only child, Renata's normally cool demeanor was, to her consternation, warming up to this new creature. Theresa was showing signs of her mother's own robust nature. However, we are talking assertive, not aggressive. Both women knew what had happened so tragically, so unnecessarily mere days before. The younger woman, she who truly suffered the loss, knew, but only in her heart; the remotest possibility of Renata's untoward behavior, neglect toward her husband, was facilely explained away.
So much can be said in the silence of the lips. The eyes say what needs to be said: often so eloquently, so scathingly, so very to the point. Yes, the eyes have it. Theresa, never before seeming to possess a thought of her very own, has been forced to think, to act, without reservation. She was a child in a number of ways, but her father's brutal execution turned her into an adult overnight. The physical comfort and security of the cavernous mansion only amplified the emptiness she felt.
As Renata approached Theresa, breaking into her daughter's troubled reverie, she put a cold hand upon Theresa's shoulder. She hadn't the emotional capacity to embrace and comfort her daughter wordlessly, as a normal mother might do. Yet, strangely, the readily confident and glib woman had no words. If there had been any, they would have stuck in her throat. Theresa turned around, looked into her mother's eyes and said nothing.
The inwardly distraught but poised Mrs. Gettleman sought sympathy from Theresa with her eyes. Traits such as compassion and mercy, typical of any decent human being, were scarcely spiritual waters deep within the well of Renata's soul.
Theresa's awakened eyes saw fear in those of her mother. So unnatural, so untypical for the woman who plowed her way through every obstacle, challenge and person who stood his own shaky ground. With her right hand, warm and utterly feminine, she firmly grasped and removed her mother's hand, still upon her left shoulder, this bold gesture a silent declaration that never more would they touch . . .
Nor speak.
Miss Gettleman has left her childhood home for the last time, never to return. The shell of a woman, ghostly in pallor, stands motionless on an upstairs landing and stares at the street below . . . through a darkened pane.
because someone needs my help.. as a jw -- you can relate -- i truly believed that what everyone really needed was the kingdom hope and its eventual reality.
you know, the hope that does not lead to disappointment.
of course, if anyone needed practical help with a task or getting through some difficulty, most of us realized that was part of being a helpful and caring friend (or family member).. at nearly seventy years of age -- no, i didn't enter the promised kingdom in my healthful and vibrant youth -- my getting out of bed isn't so bad.
I'm glad I awoke to this post, smiddy, although it's not my custom to get up at 4:00 a.m.
Feeling discouraged because of lack of response to an important question I posed, I decided to give it another try and not harbor negative feelings. After all, the replies I received did answer my question. Thanks for all that you wrote, including what I posted below.
You take care, too, smiddy.
And we are here to encourage each other and I think we do that exceedingly well on this board. -- smiddy